I just bought six cans of Bush’s baked beans.
I don’t even like baked beans.
But we’re in quarantine.
Well…not really. We’re social distancing. Which is sort of the same thing.
In truth, I’m pretty good at that.
I’m the queen of hanging out. So being quarantined is a snap. I wander around the house finding things I should have done ages ago. Like throwing out old underpants. Sorting the kitchen drawer with eighteen warped spoons in it.
Calling everyone I know, making sure they’re social distancing, and not having any fun without me.
And eating.
You eat more when you’re home all the time. Which isn’t really your fault. You’re bored. And, right now, it probably doesn’t count. Nobody gets diabetes during a pandemic. It just doesn’t happen.
I bond more with my dog when I’m hanging out. Carry her around. Furminate her. Normally, I feel guilty that I’m not spending enough time with her. That she’ll like my husband more. But not now.
We’re doing family vacation things now. Puzzles. Five-hundred pieces or less. Watching old movies like “Last of the Mohicans”. Making chicken soup. Playing bananagrams.
And we’ve been stocking up. So that we’re ready when we have to officially quarantine.
I bought stuff I’d need when I got the virus. Gatorade for electrolytes. The bright yellow. I never do the blue.
Schweppes ginger ale.
Those Zicam tablets that melt zinc down your throat.
And any regular food that I could shove into our refrigerator freezer.
English muffins, frozen shrimp, two organic chickens, sausages and eggrolls. My husband reminded me that he had wanted to buy a free-standing freezer to put in the garage. But I didn’t want to. Bad feng shui. The idea reminded me of the freezer I had as a kid in our cob webby, scary basement. And my job was to go fetch the ice cream. No big freezer.
Canned foods are really good in a pandemic. I bought ten cans of chopped tomatoes, one creamed corn, four tuna fish, two cans of pineapple… chunks not rings…and the baked beans I mentioned.
And dog food. My daughter told me that a beagle was quarantined in New York. I’m not sure that was true. But wanted to be prepared.
Until now, I never realized that my immune system was so compromised. Wow. Guess it’s an age thing. So this morning I had two shots of elderberry juice, a scoop of mushroom powder in my smoothie, one glass of grapefruit juice, one green drink, three airbornes, one vitamin D and a shot of an immune boost they were selling next to the cash register in a long silver tube.
Plus, psychologically, it’s a bad time to be over sixty. Now defined as a senior. CNN keeps referring to seniors as…the elderly. Wow. I thought the elderly were people in their second century. And not those superhuman centagenarians in the mountains of Nepal….but the skinny, weaker ones in Bayonne. The elderly.
I guess I’m a target. Maybe we all are.
So I’ll social distance. Quarantine. Play with my husband. Chase my dog. Call my friends.
And eat baked beans.
And maybe, along the way, be a tiny bit relieved to be stepping back. Taking a deep breath. Sitting by my window. And, just possibly, getting to know myself a little better.
So sweet Mary!! I love your attitude. We will all get through this. I too go for the buttered noodles. I have 20 cans of tuna but as I was reading this I realized I have no mayonnaise. AND yes, it’s reality…we are the elderly but young elderly with a little skip in our walk. Stay healthy and I’m looking forward to another read. XO
Yes, we have the baked beans and the cat has received massages galore. Chuck and I are on the mountain and naturally socially distant…my Hygiene protocol includes draping a fresh cloth over my island so when I bring home groceries all items are disinfected before going to fridge Or pantry, shopping bags and all cleaning cloths plus the drape and my rubber gloves and jacket go straight to laundry and dryer and are set aside in their own quarantine until needed again. Refinishing the kitchen floor and steps to the tower…designing my blog…oh, and today is just day 2 of official shelter in place.????
Yes, we have the baked beans and the cat has received massages galore. Chuck and I are on the mountain and naturally socially distant…my Hygiene protocol includes draping a fresh cloth over my island so when I bring home groceries all items are disinfected before going to fridge Or pantry, shopping bags and all cleaning cloths plus the drape and my rubber gloves and jacket go straight to laundry and dryer and are set aside in their own quarantine until needed again. Refinishing the kitchen floor and steps to the tower…designing my blog…oh, and today is just day 2 of official shelter in place.????
Thanks for writing and keeping us entertained. Miss you guys????????
Thanks a lot for the wonderful poem of Pablo Neruda. I am a big fan of
Pablo but I did not know that great poem!
Stay healthy and give my best to Gordon!
Keep writing Mary!
Sending a big hug to you all.
Stay well.
Remember vitamin D in ☀️.
Loved that! Nothing less than perfect!
Hi Mary,
Sounds like you are holding up!! I feel the same. Making soup, cleaning out drawers, listening to podcasts and cutting through books but also wasting time, sleeping late and zero rushing. No point! Nowhere to go! I do love hunkering down.
Good piece Mary! Don’t ya just hate being a target? Ugh! Here’s hoping there is not a good marksman for us!
The https://marymottwrites.wpengine.com website is one of the
best we have found, and the Quarantine. article is very well written and useful!
I want to share with you a link that also helped me a lot in cooking: https://bit.ly/easy-fat-burning-recipes
Thanks and kisses! 🙂
So entertaining. Yes, I too had that freezer in the scary basement as a kid.
In High School I couldn’t wait to have the boys bedroom
which was in the basement, next to the freezer room.
LOVE this. I’m a little perturbed by the very notion of mushroom powder. I hope some French chardonnay is whizzed around somewhere in the mix. Hugs. A. xoxo